Introduction of Services

Day Nursery Services (Children aged 2-6 years)

To provide long whole-day educational and care services to enable children to achieve balanced and comprehensive development in all aspects, including parent education and support.

Target groups
Children aged between 2 and 6 years (as per the child's birth certificate) and who are in good health.


Service Hours
Nursery School:Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Nursery School is closed on Sunday, Public Holidays and School Holidays.

Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre (IP)

To evaluate and design individualized teaching programs for mildly disabled children, so as to promote their core skills and development, and promote their integration.

Target groups
- Mildly disabled children aged 2-6 years
- Referrals through the Central Referral System of the Social Welfare Department


To allow mildly disabled children to:
(1) have equal opportunities for care, education and training;
(2) learn and get along with other typically developing children, to learn to accept one another, and to facilitate their future integration into mainstream education and society.
(3) achieve physical, intellectual, emotional, social, language and self-care development that is balanced and comprehensive.

Contents and forms

(1)For children:
Activity types:
(a)  Individual training
(b)  Small group training
(c)  Diversified environmental training
(d)  On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services: speech, occupational and physiotherapy services offered at school

(2)For parents:
The following activities will be arranged to allow parents to learn more about the school and their children:
(a)  Parent meeting
(b)  Parent-child activities
(c)  Seminars and workshops
(d)  Regular at-home training
(e)  Teaching materials and teaching aids on loan
(f)  Published newsletters for parents "Sunrise Forset"

Extended Hours Service

The objective of the extended hours service is to help meet the needs of single parents or working parents who due to work, training or other commitments, require their children to be cared for longer, which thereby helps increase parents’ ability to be self-reliant.
Target groups

Children who are already enrolled in the Nursery School.


Service Hours:
Monday - Friday: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saturday: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Occasional Child Care Service

To provide hourly and whole-day nursery services in order to help parents who are unable to care for their children (e.g. due to illness, medical treatment, visiting hospital, before/after childbirth etc.) and prevent accidents from occurring due to children being left alone at home.

Target groups
Children aged 2-6 years and under (as per the child’s birth certificate)


Service Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions


To provide support for parenting and parent-child relationships, including parenting skills, emotional counselling, child care, parent relationships and other topics, to organise different parent workshops and seminars, as well as counselling, home visits and referrals for children and families in need. In addition, there is cross-professional exchange with nursery teachers to improve the effectiveness of the teaching.

Non-Chinese Speaking Children Support

Our school provides support for non-Chinese speaking children and their families. We offer assistance in understanding written documents such as notices, storybooks for early childhood learning, and homework assignments. Additionally, we utilize Experiential Learning Programs and Whole Language Approach to help non-Chinese speaking children learn Chinese through daily life experiences. This approach aims to increase their opportunities to use the Chinese language and enhance their motivation and interest in learning Chinese.

For inquiries, non-Chinese speaking families can contact us at the following telephone number and email:
Telephone: 2630 3555

Partnership Programme

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals' "On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services – Sunshine Kids" Support Services


To provide early intervention for children with special educational needs; To consolidate the learning and development of these children by supporting their caregivers and the schools they attend.

For details, please contact our senior early childhood practitioner.